Suven Life Sciences receives first product patent in the US

27 Dec 2007


The US Patent Office has granted Suven Life Sciences Ltd on its first product patent. The patent was granted for a class of selective serotonin receptor affinity compounds discovered by Suven that are being developed as therapeutic agents.

This is Suven's first product patent in the US.

According to the invention '711 patent disclosure, the compounds are useful in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson, schizophrenia and Huntington's.

Suven has so far filed 29 product patent applications through PCT covering more than 145 countries, out of which five patents are granted in various countries. There are several other patent applications from Suven Discovery Research are in the pipeline that have completed the administrative and technical diligence from the patent offices from major countries and would be granted shortly.

Suven has filed its first investigational new drug (IND) application with DCGI to conduct the clinical Phase-I study on their developmental candidate SUVN-502 and several candidates are in discovery pipeline undergoing GLP pre-clinical studies.

"We are very pleased by the issuance of this patent to Suven by US Patent office for our drug candidates that are being developed for CNS disorders which targets a $18 billion potential market opportunity" says Venkat Jasti, CEO, Suven Life Sciences.

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