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Earn a PC driver’s licence, courtesy British Computer Society news
Venkatachari Jagannathan
18 October 2002
Chennai: One need not possess a learner’s licence to get this driving licence. All that one needs to get this licence is to learn operating a personal computer (PC) and the common programmes.

The British Computer Society, in association with The Fourth R, has launched the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL), a certification that proves holders have a basic level of PC competence.

The certificate is for people who learn computer usage skills by themselves or from computer institutes, and is not targeted at information technology (IT) professionals.

Says ICDL India country manager Kumar Pattani: “The licence helps people to prove that they actually posses PC skills up to a level to employers.” For example, the licence helps nurses, secretaries, doctors, lawyers and others who have to handle a PC even if they are not hardcore IT professionals.

Employers in other countries have been quick to accept the scheme. For example, in Australia, certain companies require all employees from the lowest rung to general managers to pass the test and own the licence.

The licence was first launched in Europe in 1997, with an aim to create a pan-European standard for computing skills that is recognised by employers. About 2 million people have obtained the licence, with another 40,000 expected to sign up this year.

Those who would like to get this licence have to go through seven tests, ranging from the basics of word processing, spreadsheets and databases to the Internet and e-mail tasks. The tests are same in all the countries so that a consistent standard is achieved.

The British Computer Society will be responsible for accrediting test centres issuing skills cards, managing the licence validation process and issuing the licence.

In India, The Fourth R India, a children computer education chain, is the certifying organisation. The Fourth R will kick off ICDL certification at six centres across the country — in Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad.


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Earn a PC driver’s licence, courtesy British Computer Society