- Board of Dean's Advisors the Harvard Business
School, Boston, USA
- Founder member of India Research Center,
Harvard Business School and India Advisory Board
- India Board of John Hopkins School of Advanced
International Studies, USA
- Governing Body of The Shri Ram Education
Foundation for Lady Shri Ram College for Women
- Board of Advisors of AISEC in India
Ranked 34th in the list of world's top 50 businesswomen announced
by the Wall Street Journal in November 2004.
Ranked in the top 50 Women in Business list,
internationally, by Fortune Magazine in its first listing
in 2001 and subsequently in 2002 and 2003.
Listed by Time magazine as one of the
15 Global Influentials 2002.
Ranked 3rd in Asia by Fortune magazine
in their first ever listing of The World's Top Women in Business
in Asia in 2000.
In business
Kidwai is chief executive officer, HSBC India, and country
head, HSBC Group Companies in India. Prior to this she was
deputy CEO, HSBC, and managing director and vice chairman
of HSBC Securities and Capital Markets India Private Limited.
Till October 2002 Kidwai was vice chairman,
JM Morgan Stanley, and head of the Investment Bank in India
and the Morgan Stanley representative on the Board of Directors.
While heading the Investment Bank of Morgan
Stanley, India, a position she held till April 1999, she helped
start its investment banking operations in India and initiated
the merger of JM Financial and Morgan Stanley in India in
In addition to her current responsibilities
at HSBC, Kidwai is a non-executive director on the board of
Nestle SA.
Kidwai has been the recipient of several awards
for business in India and serves on several government and
other national bodies. She is currently:
Chairman of the Population and Health Committee,
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and member of:
- National Council of CII and Corporate Governance
Council of CII
- Governing board of NCAER (National Council
of Applied Economic Research)
- National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship
Development Board of the Government of India
- Government of India representative on the
Indo-German Consultative Group
- Economics Policy and Reforms Council for
the State of Rajasthan
- Managing committee of the Bombay Chamber
of Commerce and Industry
- Advisory Board for the CII Naoroji Godrej
Centre of Excellence
- National Entrepreneurship Network (advisor)
Personal commitments
In her personal capacity, Kidwai is an active supporter of
various charities and self-help groups for the underprivileged.
She is a member of the board of Self Employed Women's Association
(SEWA), and has promoted Grassroots Trading Network –
a not for profit organisation to help underprivileged women
and is a trustee on the board of the New India Foundation.
