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States and U.T. Plan Outlay by Ministries/Departments news
07 July 2009

(In Crore of Rupees)

2008-2009      Budget Estimates

2009-2010      Revised Estimates 2009-2010        Budget Estimates
1. Agriculture and Cooperation 3193 2917 4107
2. Finance 46413 62189 63947
3. Panchayati Raj 4670 3890 4670
4. Statistics and Programme           



5. Road Transport & Highways 1606 2106 1989
6. Tribal Affairs 1316 1253 2401
7. DONER 1374 1374 1374
8. Union Territories 3279 3520 5242
Total Central Assistance for State and Union Territory Plans



For Budget Estimates 2009-10, these provisions inter-alia include provisions for Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM Rs. 12887 crores), Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP Rs.9700 crores), National Social Assistance Programme including Annapurna (NSAP Rs.5200 crores), Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF Rs.5800 crores), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY Rs.4100 crores), MPs Local Area Development Scheme (Rs.1580 crores), Assistance from Central Pool of Resources for NE & Sikkim (Rs.700 crores), Additional Central Assistance (ACA) for Educational Development of Tribal Children in Schedule-V Areas and Naxal-affected Areas (Rs.500 crores), ACA for Acclerated Programme of Restoration and Regeneration of Forest Cover (Rs.500 crores), ACA for Infrastructure Support for Opening Bank Branches in Unbanked Blocks (Rs.100 crores) and Roads and Bridges (Rs.2070 crores).

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States and U.T. Plan Outlay by Ministries/Departments