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Interim Budget 2009: Plan, non-plan spending hiked news
16 February 2009

The estimates for expenditure for 2008-09 have been revised upward by Rs150,069 crore to total Rs900,953 crore. Of this, Rs39,571 crore is for Five-Year Plan schemes and Rs110,498 crore for the non-Plan sector.

Plan expenditure has been revised to Rs 282,957 crore against the budgeted estimate of Rs. 243,386 crore.

The additional Plan spending of Rs39, 571 crore is on account of an increase in the central Plan by Rs24,174 crore and an increase of Rs15,397 crore in the central assistance to the states and union territories.

The central Plan expenditure has been increased for rural development, atomic energy, telecommunications, textiles, urban development, youth affairs & sports, and railways.

On the non-Plan side, the addition of Rs110,498 crore in the revised estimates is accounted for by an increase in the expenditure of Rs44,863 crore on fertiliser subsidy, Rs10,960 crore on food subsidy, Rs15,000 crore on agricultural debt waiver and debt relief scheme, Rs7,605 crore on pensions and Rs5,149 crore on police.

An additional amount of Rs9,000 crore has been provided for defence expenditure.

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Interim Budget 2009: Plan, non-plan spending hiked