Receipt Budget

29 February 2016

Receipt Budget (Full)


Summary of Estimates of Tax, Non-Tax Revenue and Capital Receipts

I. Tax Revenue
II. Non-Tax Revenue
III. Capital Receipts  


1. Trends in Receipts
2. Analysis of Tax and Non-Tax Revenue Receipts included in Annexure 1
3. Trends in Expenditure
4. Reconciliation between Estimates of Receipts Shown in Annual Financial Statement and Receipts Budget
5. Debt position of the Government of India
(i) Statement of Liabilities of the Central Government
(ii) Statement of Assets
(iii) Guarantees given by the Government
(iv) Asset Register
6. Details of current rupee loans of the Central Government
6A. Special Securities issued to nationalised banks converted into marketable securities
6B. Inflation Rate Indexed Bonds
6C. Special Securities converted into marketable securities
6D. Securitisation of Polif
6E. Special Securities issued issued to Oil Marketing Companies in lieu of Cash Subsidy
6F. Special Securities issued to Fertiliser Companies in lieu of Cash Subsidy
6G. Special Securities issued to Food Corporation of India in lieu of Cash Subsidy
6H. Special Bonds to Various Institutions
7A. Sources and Application of National Small Savings Fund as on 31st March, 2016
7B. National Small Savings Fund
8. Liability on Annuity Projects
9. External Assistance receipts and repayments Country/Organisation-wise
10. Statement showing State-wise Distribution of Net Proceeds of Union Taxes and Duties for BE 2016-2017
10A. Statement showing State-wise Distribution of Net Proceeds of Union Taxes and Duties for RE 2015-2016
10B. Statement showing State-wise Distribution of Net Proceeds of Union Taxes and Duties - Actual 2014-2015
11. Tax Revenues raised but not realised (Principal Taxes)
12. Arrears of Non-Tax Revenue
13. Market Loans and Special Securities due for discharge during 2016-2017
14. Railway Reserve Funds
15. Revenue impact of Tax Incentives under the Central Tax System: Financial Years 2014-15 and 2015-16



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