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Ananya Goenka on Express board
Mumbai: Ananya Goenka, chief executive officer of Screen, an Indian Express group publication, has joined the board of Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd, as vice chairperson. The board of the paper has also been expanded with the inclusion of Shekhar Gupta, editor-in-chief of Indian Express, and Digvijay Singh, the group's chief executive officer.

Ms Goenka is to assist the chairman and managing director of the company, Vivek Goenka, in overseeing business interests and in providing support to the management and editorial teams.
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Grabiner joins Murdoch venture
London: Stephen Grabiner, who left as head of British pay channel ONdigital, is planning to join internet investment firm eVentures as chief executive.

Mr Grabiner's resignation from ONdigital, a Carlton Communications and Granada Group venture, was announced on 13 July amidst speculation that he was to join eVentures, a firm backed by News Corp of Rupert Murdoch and Japanese investment bank Softbank.

The high-profile Mr Grabiner was responsible for ONdigital's launch of a 30-channel digital terrestrial service, a direct competitor to BskyB's 140-channel SkyDigital platform. BskyB is 40 per cent owned by NewsCorp.
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NRI to sell computers for SOHO here
California: Arindam Sarkar, chief exeucitve of Fremont-based Interactive Group, is planning to make a foray into the Indian small office home office market in a big way.

Interactive Group had launched its IG 2000Pentium line this year. The company sells its computer systems and components to small and medium-sized businesses and offers its shopping mall technology on the web.

Mr Sarkar said his company would set up distribution offices all over India with an emphasis on technical support, customer services and bring Indian staff to the US for training in Silicon Valley.

The Assam-born Mr Sarkar, 28, had left his job selling computer systems to start his own business from his home. The business generated $500,000 worth of sales in the first six months.  
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