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HDFC Bank to double loan portfolio
Mumbai: HDFC Bank is planning to double its loan portfolio from the present 8 per cent of the total loans and advances to 15 per cent in the nest two years.

The bank will offer new products, which will enable customers to avail of a pre-approved credit facility through their debit cards.

The retail loans will include salary loans and loans against subscription to initial public offerings. This will be in addition to car loans and loans against shares, which are already available currently.
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Bandel thermal plant to be renovated
Calcutta: Siemens Westinghouse and B&W of Canada are close to finalising a renovation plan for the West Bengal State Electricity Board's 530 MW Bandel thermal power station.

The revamp is estimated to cost about Rs 250 to Rs 300 crore. Canadian export credit financing bank Export Development Corporation is likely to provide Rs 230 crore in  supplier's credit for the work.
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Forex reserves go up
Mumbai: India's the total foreign exchange reserves, including gold and special drawing rights rose $47 million to $32.95 billion during the week ending 24 July, according to the weekly statistical supplement of the Reserve Bank of India.

The foreign currency assets in the system went up by $47 million; there was no change in the status of gold and SDRs.
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