22 Sep | 23 Sep | 24 Sep | 25 Sep | 26 Sep | 27 Sep | 28 Sepnews

Gold shoots up
Mumbai: Domestic and global gold prices rose on 27 September 1999, following the decision of the European Central Bank to limit the sale of the metal. In Mumbai, standard gold closed at Rs.4,400 compared to the previous close of Rs.4,230.

The European Central Bank president, Wim Duisenberg announced Sunday that the 11 national banks associated with the central bank, along with Britain, Switzerland and Sweden had decided to limit gold sales to 400 tonnes per annum for the next five years.
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India gets a pat on its back
Washington: India’s consistent growth has been applauded by World Bank president, James Wolfensohn. He has said that, in spite of many adverse factors, India, along with China, has been responsible in bringing global stability.

For the year ended 30 June 1999, the bank sanctioned $1.05 billion worth of loans to India compared to $2.1 billion sanctioned in fiscal year 1998.
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Vysya may name ING as partner
Bangalore: Vysya Bank Ltd. will take in ING Bank as joint venture partner in its subsidiary, Vysya Bank Leasing Ltd. The new company is expected to be the umbrella company for all the retail financial products of Vysya Bank.
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Cellular operators may go to court
New Delhi: Private cellular operators may go to court against the government’s decision to allow Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. to come out with a low cost cellular service. The operators are seeking a level playing field. The operators are likely to sue the licensor, the department of telecommunications.

In the meantime, cellular companies, are resenting the Telecom and Regulatory Authority of India’s move to introduce the calling party pays system. They feel that this move will lead to a reduction in revenues.
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FIs want JK not to hive off cement division
Mumbai: J K Corporation, promoted by Hari Shankar Singhania, has been asked by the financial institutions to alter its plans to hive off  its cement division. The institutions want their debt to be repaid by J K Corp.
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RBI V-sat network by 2000
Bangalore: The Reserve Bank of India's V-sat system is now running a trial, and will be operational by end-2000. About 5,000 commercial bank branches in 1,000 centres, accounting for about 75 per cent of the commercial transactions in the country, will be connected by V-Sat by end-2000.

By end-1999, all RBI offices will be inter-connected, and the bank will be able to spruce up its monitoring operations.
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STCI, DFHI profits down
Mumbai: The Securities Trading Corporation of India has made a net profit of Rs.82.98 crore and gross profit of Rs.127.36 crore for the financial year ended 1998-99. The figures for the financial year-ended 1997-98 were Rs.82.98 crore and Rs.151.72 crore respectively. D Basu, chairman, STCI, attributes the drop in profits to the adverse and subdued market conditions in gilts.

The Discount and Finance House of India also suffered a decline in gross profit and net profit to Rs.90.41 crore and Rs.58.41 crore in 1998-99 respectively. The figures for the financial year-ended 1997-98 were Rs.105.11 crore and Rs.67.92 crore respectively. P G Kakodkar, chairman, DFHI, has stated that the drop in profits is due to lower profits in the primary dealers business and the squeeze in interest spreads.
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