22 Sep | 23 Sep | 24 Sep | 25 Sep | 26 Sep | 27 Sep | 28 Sepnews

Harshad, 3 others convicted
Mumbai: A special court has convicted Harshad Mehta, Pramod Kumar Manocha, deputy manager, Maruti Udyog, Vinayak Narayan Deosthali, assistant manager, Uco Bank, Hamam Street Branch, Mumbai, Ram Narayan Popli, officer, ANZ Grindlays Bank, New Delhi. The court accused the four of misappropriating Rs.38.97 crore  belonging to Maruti Udyog Ltd. The accused will appeal before the Supreme Court.
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More departures from Wipro
Bangalore : After the exit of Ashok Soota, Wipro is facing the resignation of  two more top personnel. V Chandrasekaran, chief operating officer and president, enterprise solutions division, Wipro Software and Services, and S Janakiraman, chief executive, Wipro Technology Solutions, have quit the company. Their new places of work are yet to be known.
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Wolfensohn's term may be extended
Washington : James Wolfensohn will most probably serve as the president of World Bank for a second time in succession. This follows the US nominating him for another five-year term. A formal announcement will be made soon. Mr.Wolfensohn became president of the bank in June 1995.
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Peerless Abasan gets new CEO
Calcutta : Shareholders of Peerless Abasan Finance Ltd. have appointed M M Das as the chief executive officer. A K Ghosh, who was formerly holding the post of executive director in the company, had recently resigned.
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