26 Sep | 27 Sep | 28 Sep | 29 Sep| 30 Sep | 1 Oct | 2 Octnews

Krishna Angara quits BPL Mobile
Mumbai: Krishna Angara, chief executive officer of BPL Mobile Communications, the cellular service provider in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, has resigned, citing personal reasons.

The company has appointed A.P. Parigi, an earlier incumbent, and at the moment heading BPL telecom business group, as the chief executive officer of BPL Mobile.
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R.C. Jha is Sail director
New Delhi: R.C. Jha, director (operations), Rashtriya Ispat Nigam, will be the new director (raw materials division) of the Steel Authority of India Ltd. Mr Jha, a veteran of 30 years in the steel industry, has resigned from Rashtriya Ispat Nigam.
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Shriyam director removed
Mumbai: Shriyam Securities and Finance, a company promoted by accounting firm Chaturvedi & Shah, has removed one of its directors, Sohan Chaturvedi, from the board. A resolution to this effect has been passed at the annual general meeting of the company on 20 September. The removal has been under sections 190 and 284 of the Companies Act.
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Pfeiffer to head Intershop
London: Eckhard Pfeiffer, Compaq Computer's former chief executive, is becoming chairman of Intershop Communications, an emerging e-commerce software company.

Mr Pfeiffer resigned from Compaq in April 1999. He said he will take a small equity in Intershop, which was founded in 1992 in Germany but moved its headquarters to San Francisco in the US.
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