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Drop in demand deposits
Mumbai: Demand deposits with scheduled banks dropped Rs 2,068 crore during the fortnight ended 10 September 1999, according to the weekly statistical supplement of the Reserve Bank of India. During the same period, time deposits rose Rs 1,020 crore, leading to a net decline of Rs 1,048 crore in aggregate deposits, which were Rs 7,49,844 crore.

The report also noted that currency in circulation increased Rs 3,774 crore. Foreign exchange reserves dropped $139 million during the week ended 24 September, and there have been no net foreign exchange inflows from foreign institutional investors for the last couple of weeks.
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Indian airports Y2K compliant
New Delhi: Communications, navigation, surveillance and passenger service at Indian airports have been made Y2K compliant, according to the government.

The Airports Authority of India said communications, navigation, surveillance and passenger facilitation services at Indian airports are Y2K compliant.
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