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Raj Kapur, president of Elcina
Mumbai: Raj Kapur has been elected president of the Electronic Component Industries Association, or Elcina. Mr Kapur is vice-president (marketing) of JCT Electronics.

K. Vijayakumar has been elected vice-president of the Elcina .
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Lohage is executive chef of Park Royal
New Delhi: Uwe W. Lohage is the new executive chef of the Park Royal Hotel, New Delhi. He will be in overall charge of kitchen operations at the hotel

Mr Lohage started his career with Hotel Em Hoettche, Dormagen, Germany. He was executive chef of the Bali Hilton International in Indonesia, the Raddison President Hotel in Melbourne in Australia, the Coral Beach Hotel in Phuket in Thailand, and the Mainz Hilton International in Germany.
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Stock option makes student rich
San Jose: Hans Pang, a 17-year-old California high school student, got a summer job at a Silicon Valley start-up and was given stock options instead of a salary. At the end of his term, he is richer by more than $100,000.

The student said he "likes being around cool machines", and worked in technical support for executives at Alteon Websystems, a San Jose-based company selling Internet hardware and services. Instead of a salary, he agreed to accept an option of 750 Alteon shares. When the company went public, the value of his take shot up to more than $100,000.

Hans Pang is son of an acupuncturist and a part-time bank teller.
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A legal site made her famous
San Francisco: An immigration lawyer of Indian origin in the US has made it big in legal circles through her website.

Sheela Murthy was a struggling lawyer five years ago, operating from a small cubicle. Then her husband designed a home page for her to bring in some more business. Today, www.murthy is one of the hottest legal sites on the web, raking more than a million hits a week, making her an Internet celebrity in the legal profession. Ms Murthy's clients seek help in applying for immigration or for work permits or acquiring green cards.

Ms Murthy is a law graduate from India and has a master's degree from the Harvard Law School, specialising in international business law.
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