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India-born engineer heads Rohm & Haas
Washington: Muzzafarnagar, India, born Rajiv Gupta has become chairman and chief executive officer of Rohm & Haas Company. The Philadelphia-headquartered Rohm & Haas is the largest publicly traded chemical company in the US after Du Pont and Dow Chemical.

Mr Gupta succeeds J. Lawrence Wilson, chairman, who is retiring. Mr Gupta joined Rohm & Haas in 1971. The company has recently taken over Morton International, the Chicago-based salt company, in a $4.9 billion deal.

A mechanical engineer with a bachelor's degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mr Gupta also holds a master's degree in operations research from Cornell University and a MBA in finance from Drexel University.

Rohm & Haas employs nearly 23,000 people worldwide, and expects to have sales of over $7 billion in 2000.
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