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Beaudoin is Digital India chairman
Mumbai: Digital India has a new chairman, Thomas Beaudoin. Mr Beaudoin is currently vice-president, enterprise solutions and services group, at Compaq Computer. He replaces Kannankote Srikanth, who has quit the company.

Digital has also announced the appointment of Ravi Parthasarathy, vice-chairman and managing director of IL&FS, and Fredrik Bystrand, vice-president of ABB group, as non-executive directors on its board.  
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Khosla, Raghavan on Redback board
New York: Vinod Khosla, general partner in venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, and Vivek Raghavan, chief executive officer of Siara Systems, specialists in application-specific integrated circuit and microprocessor design, have been appointed on the board of Redback Networks, leading equipment maker for high-speed Internet traffic. Siara is merging with Redback in March 2000.

While Pune-born and Delhi-educated Mr Khosla, 44, is an IIT, New Delhi, graduate with a masters from Carnegie-Mellon and an MBA from Stanford, Mr Raghavan, 47, is from Chennai, and holds degrees in electrical engineering from Northwestern University, Chicago, and Cornell University, Ithaca.
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