18 Dec | 19 Dec | 20 Dec | 21 Dec | 22 Dec | 23 Dec | 24 Decnews

D.R. Mehta may get an extension
Mumbai: Securities and Exchange Board of India chairman D.R. Mehta is expected to get an extension in his job. His second term in office is to end on 20 February 2000. A former deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, he had taken over charge of the capital market regulation agency in February 1995.
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Ex-RBI dy governor on Deutsche Bank board
Mumbai: Former deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India R.V. Gupta has been appointed chairman of Deutsche Bank's local advisory board. The bank said Mr Gupta will lead the board which provides advice to the bank on its overall business plans and policies as well as compliance supervision.
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Bharat Sahny is DSE president
New Delhi: Bharat Bhushan Sahny is the president of the Delhi Stock Exchange for 1999-2000. He was elected at a meeting of the exchange's board of directors. S.L. Gupta has been elected vice-president.
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Microsoft loses CFO
Redmond: Microsoft’s chief financial officer Greg Maffei has quit. Mr Maffei becomes another young and efficient Microsoft executive to join the exodus from the company to join startups. He will become chief executive of Worldwide Fiber, a Vancouver-based company making fibre optic cables. Microsoft announced that John Connors, an insider, will replace Mr Maffei.
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