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Panjwani is CEO of Morgan Stanley India
Mumbai: Raju Panjwani has been appointed chief operating officer of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter’s Indian operations. He replaces Vikram Gandhi, who is returning to the US parent as chief operating officer of its global e-commerce steering committee. Mr Panjwani will be designated managing director. He will also be the chief financial officer of JM Morgan Stanley group.

Mihir Doshi, executive director of JM Morgan Stanley Securities, a stockbroking joint venture between JM Financial and Morgan Stanley, has been promoted as managing director. Mr Doshi will handle the work Mr Gandhi has been doing at JM Morgan Stanley Securities as vice-chairman. Ms Naina Lal Kidwai will replace Mr Gandhi as vice-chairman of JM Morgan Stanley, the investment banking joint venture between JM Financial and Morgan Stanley.

The changes come into effect from 1 January 2000.
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Rajiv Jyoti to head DaimlerChrysler Rail
New Delhi:
Rajiv Jyoti, currently vice-president and head of manufacturing, has been appointed president and managing director of DaimlerChrysler Rail Systems, formerly called ADtranz India. He replaces Viren Srivastava, who is taking over as chairman of the three-member board of directors of the company in place of K.N. Shenoy, who has stepped down from the board.

ADtranz was a joint venture between ABB and Daimler Benz. ABB had exited the venture after Daimler Benz and Chrysler merged globally. The Indian company was then restructured and renamed. Mr Shenoy is chairman of ABB India.
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New directors of ICI India
ICI India has appointed B. Rajagopal and Daljit Singh as whole-time directors of the company. Their appointment takes effect from 1 January 2000. Mr Rajagopal and Mr Singh will be part of the 12-member reconstituted board of the company. A.S. Ganguly and A. Narayanan continues to be chairman and managing director respectively of the company.
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IIM student gets staggering starting pay
Bangalore: A student at the Indian Institue of Management, Bangalore, has landed a job in London which will pay him a whopping 100,000 a year, including stock options. The student, Saurabh Singh, a chartered accountant from Calcutta specialising in finance and managmenert sytems, was hired by international consutlants MMG of London at a recently-held annual placement at the London Business School. Mr Singh, 24, had gone to London under a student exchange programme.

IIM, Bangalore, faculty members said this figure is unprecedented for the institute's students in the past.
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