21 Dec | 22 Dec | 23 Dec | 24 Dec | 25 Dec | 26 Dec | 27 Decnews

Plane still in hijackers’ custody
New Delhi: The hijacked Indian Airlines Airbus 300 continued to be in the custody of hijackers at the Kandahar airport in Afghanistan for the third day, with 160 passengers and crew on board. A UN delegation, which entered preliminary negotiations with the Afghanistan government, later returned to Islamabad. The hijackers released one person.

The hijackers are demanding the release of a Pakistani terrorist now in an Indian jail, Maulvi Masood Azhar. Meanwhile, the Afghanistan government has allowed the aircraft to be refuelled. The Taliban government had warned that it would demand that the hijacked plane leave the country unless negotiations begin early.
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WPI norms being revamped
New Delhi: The government is planning to change the weightage given to various items used in the compilation of the wholesale price index. It intends to give additional weightage to manufactured products and reduce that of food-related items in order to be in line with the current tends in the economy. In addition to finished products, the government will also give additional weightage to fuel and energy items. These proposed changes may have a significant impact on the wholesale price index as the prices of finished products as well as energy and fuel are volatile. 
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Uco board not happy with Hong Kong losses
Calcutta: Uco Bank’s board has expressed concern over the bank’s Hong Kong branch operations, especially the rise in bad loans at the branch. The Reserve Bank of India had earlier made queries about the non-performing assets at the Hong Kong branch, and the bank attributed the problems to external factors like fluctuating currency rates.

Bank sources said the Hong Kong branch operations may affect the bank’s overall profitability, even as the bank faces a proposal to wind up its overseas branches. In the past, the bnak's foreign branches, especially in Hong Kong and Singapore, were sources of surpluses.  
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Zurich Financial plans bid on Royal & Sun
London: Zurich Financial Services is planning a 7 billion bid for Royal & Sun Alliance. Newspaper reports said Royal & Sun will fill in an important gap for the Anglo-Swiss group, whose general insurance operations are not very strong.
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