28 Dec | 29 Dec | 30 Dec | 31 Dec | 1 Jan | 2 Jan | 3 Jannews

Evidence suggests hijackers are Pakistanis
New Delhi: The Indian government strongly suspects that the hijackers of the Indian Airlines aircraft are in Pakistan. National security adviser Brajesh Mishra says there is enough clear evidence to believe that Pakistan was involved in the hijacking. He also said India has names of the hijackers, who are Pakistani nationals. Besides, he said, all 36 people whose release from Indian jails was demanded by the hijackers are Pakistani nationals.

Meanwhile, the Taliban information minister has been quoted as saying that all the hijackers have crossed over to Quetta in Pakistan. However, Islamabad has denied that the hijackers are on Pakistani territory.
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Y2K roll over smooth
New Delhi: The Y2K fears appear to have been exaggerated. The world’s computers moved into the new millennium free of the feared glitches, thanks to a $600 billion job undertaken the world over by experts and specialists over more than a year. The roll-over has been smooth for almost all the countries. In India, critical sectors like the railways, telecommunications, power, atomic energy, space, petroleum and defence did not report any malfunctioning.
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Inflation spurts past 3 per cent
New Delhi:
The inflation rate rose past the three per cent mark in the week ended 18 December 1999 following a rise in the prices of non-food articles. The 3.13 per cent rise (against 2.84 per cent in the previous week) was due to a 1.4 per cent rise in the prices of non-food articles in the primary articles category, government sources said. The inflation rate was 5.91 per cent in the corresponding period in 1998.

The wholesale price index for all commodities for the week ended on 18 December was 365.7 against 365.6 in the previous week.
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IDBI not to fund MNCs for acquisitions
Mumbai: The Industrial Development Bank of India will not finance multinational companies in their plans to acquire Indian companies. IDBI strongly believes that foreign companies wanting to acquire or merge Indian companies should bring in funds from abroad. The IDBI will not fund such activities, says its chairman and managing director G.P. Gupta.
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