28 Dec | 29 Dec | 30 Dec | 31 Dec | 1 Jan | 2 Jan | 3 Jannews

Aravind is Spic Petro MD
Chennai: A.R. Aravind, currently managing director of Gulf Spic Contracting Company, Kuwait, is the new managing director of Spic Petrochemical. He is expected to take over the position in February 2000, following the retirement of K. Govindarajan, who is retiring as managing director by end-January.

S. Radhakrishnan, general manager (projects), has been elevated as director (technical) of the company in place of R. Alaguvel, who is also retiring.
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Ananda Mukherjee leaves ICICI
Mumbai: Ananda Mukherjee, general manager of ICICI, is quitting the company to join power major Enron as chief financial officer of Indian operations. Mr Mukherjee has been with ICICI for nearly 10 years and is a specialist in infrastructure financing.
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Sanjay Sachdeva to be IDBI MF CEO
Mumbai: Sanjay Sachdeva, managing director of Principal Consulting (India), is expected to take charge of IDBI Mutual Fund after the Industrial Development Bank of India signs a shareholders’ agreement with Principal Financial Group of the US later in January. Mr Sachdeva will be designated chief executive officer.

The present chief executive officer of IDBI Mutual Fund, S.K. Bansal, will be the chief financial officer. IDBI Mutual Fund will also have Udayan Basu, formerly senior vice-president of Zurich Asset Management Company, as its chief of business development and marketing.
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Rajiv Goswami is CEO of CATS
Calcutta: Rajiv Goswami, former general manager and head of the Y2K competency centre of IBM India, is the new chief executive officer of CATS, the joint venture of Computer Associates and the Chatterjee group. Mr Goswami will take over from Venkat Subbarao, who is now managing director of Computer Associates’ Indian operations.

CATS is Computer Associates’ largest software development centre outside the US.
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ICSI office-bearers
New Delhi: J. Sridhar, controller of finance, Maharashtra Scooters, is the new president of the Institute of Company Secretaries. P.V.S. Jagan Mohan Rao, senior vice-president (finance), Lanco Construction, is the vice-president.
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