2 Jan | 3 Jan | 4 Jan | 5 Jan | 6 Jan | 7 Jan | 8 Jannews

Rajesh Pant is Sony Television COO
Mumbai: Rajesh Pant, vice-president of Sony Entertainment Television, has been elevated to the position of chief operating officer of the company with overall charge for distribution, international channels and the company's foray into internet-based channels.

Sony Entertainment Television has also promoted Kacon Sethi, vice-president, as senior vice-president with independent charge of Sony Max and sales. The company has also recruited N.P. Singh as chief financial officer and Nalin Garg as head of the human resources division. While Mr Singh was with Xerox India, Mr Garg was with Prudential ICICI.
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Kurien to head Wipro Net
Mumbai: T.K. Kurien, now with GE Medical Systems (India), has been selected managing director of Wipro Net. He is expected to take up his new assignment on 23 January. Wipro Net is a joint venture between Wipro and Royal Dutch Telecom, or KPN. Wipro Net’s present managing director Anand Talwai is moving to Wipro Technologies as chief technology officer.
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VSNL’s internet unit head quits
Mumbai: Neeraj Sonker, general manager, Internet division, of Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. is learnt to have resigned. He has been involved with the division since its inception.

Mr Sonker had earlier put in his papers and joined a Singapore-based infotch company. However, he was persuaded by VNSL authorities to return to the organisation. He has played a major role in putting together VSNL’s plans for launching Internet services in India.
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Lotus chief quits
New York: IBM’s business software unit Lotus Development Corporation has lost its chief executive Jeff Papows. He is quitting on 1 February as president and chief executive officer of the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company, which he has been heading since 1995, after IBM acquired it for $3.5 billion.

IBM announced that Mr Papows will be replaced by an IBM executive, Al Zollar.
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Baker is vice-chairman of American Airlines
Texas: American Airlines has promoted operations chief Robert Baker as vice-chairman reporting to chairman and chief executive officer Donald Carty. The airline has also promoted Gerard Arpey, chief financial officer, as vice-president, operations.
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Oracle CEO to fight airport
San Jose, California: Silicon Valley billionaire and Oracle chief executive officer Larry Ellison has been fighting San Jose International Airport for the last two years as the airport has been imposing night curfew and has slammed nine violation citations on him. He has now decided to sue for right to take off and land all night long.

His attorney, Edward Davis, Jr, said the aircraft, which Mr Ellison travels, does not appear to be violating the regulations. It is primarily for political reasons that the city is refusing to recognise him.
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