TRAI to waive entry fee for voice mail services
New Delhi: The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has waived the entry fees
voice mail/audiotex services, a benefit currently extended to Category C Internet Service
Providers. The aspirant operators would have to however, furnish a performance bank
guarantee of Rs 3 lakh.
TRAI has also recommended that there should be no revenue sharing for content services.
It has suggested that the revenue sharing formula should be restricted to
telecommunication carriage service providers or network operators and not from content
application service providers such as voice mail/ audiotex. It has also suggested that
existing practice of unlimited number of players in voice mail/ audiotex service should be
Voice mail provides a public interface between originator and recipients of voice
communications, especially when there is no immediate or convenient direct
telecommunication service available between subscribers equipment. Voice mail
service enables the subscriber to send a message to one or more recipients and to receive
messages via a telecommunication network using a combination of store and forward, and
store and retrieve techniques.
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GDP growth spurts to 6 per cent
Q2, manufacturing slips
New Delhi: The Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) figures released on Friday
show that Indias gross domestic product (GDP) has risen by 6 per cent during the
second quarter (July-September) of the current financial year to Rs 265,392 crore at
constant (1993-94) prices, from Rs 250,434 crore in for the same period in 1999-2000. GDP
at factor cost at current prices is estimated at Rs 425,184 crore, up 11 per cent from Rs
383,143 crore in the second quarter of 1999-2000.
According to the CSO, spurt was led by construction, which saw rise of 8.7 per cent,
followed by financial services, insurance, and real estate and business services, which
grew at 8.5 per cent. The key indicators of the construction sector, namely, cement and
steel registered growth rates of 2.6 per cent and 12.6 per cent, respectively, against the
growth rates of 15.7 per cent and 12.6 per cent respectively in the same period last year.
Among other key sectors, mining and quarrying registered growth at 8.4 per cent, trade,
hotels, transport and communication at 7.8 per cent, community, social and personal
services at 7.1 per cent and the manufacturing at 5.9 per cent. Agriculture, forestry and
fishing grew just 1 per cent, while the electricity, gas and water supply sector posted
3.9 per cent growth.
The growth rate in other key sectors are: minus 12.8 per cent for production of commercial
vehicles, minus 3 per cent for cargo handled at major ports, 37.2 per cent for post and
telecommunications, 16 per cent for aggregate bank deposits, 23.8 per cent for bank
credits and 13.5 per cent for revenue expenditure.
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