22 Feb | 23 Feb | 24 Feb | 25 Feb | 26 Feb | 27 Feb | 28 Febnews

Mr. Ganesh Natarajan puts in papers at Aptech
Mumbai: Mr. Ganesh Natarajan, managing director of Aptech Ltd. is belived to have has tendered his resignation at a meeting of the board of directors of the company in Mumbai on Tuesday. A press release issued by the company said: "It has come a surprise to us as well and we are not aware of the reasons for this resignation"

Mr. Natarajan will however, continue to be associated with the operations of BConnectBWorldwide Ltd., a subsidiary of Aptech Limited as a director. The Board has appointed Mr. Pramod Khera, executive director as acting chief executive of the company. Mr. Abhay Sinha, executive vice president will be the acting head of the software business.
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Mr. Narayana Murthy chosen " Businessman of the Year"
New Delhi:
Mr. Narayana Murthy, chairman and CEO of Infosys Technologies Ltd. has been chosen as Business Standard’s "Businessman of The Year." Mr. Narayana Murthy emerged as the number one choice in a poll conducted by the business daily paper early this month. As many as 10 CEOs of top BS 1000 companies were shortlisted for the poll and the senior editorial staff of Business Standard judged them on the criteria of leadership, vision, commitment to corporate governance, new forays and creation of shareholders’ value.
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Four GIC subsidiaries get new heads
The finance ministry has announced new heads at the four state-owned general insurance companies. Mr. K N Bhandari has been appointed chairman-cum-managing director (CMD) of New India Assurance Company and Mr. M K Tandon will head National Insurance Company. Mr. B D Banerjee, a GIC managing director and the acting head of Oriental Insurance Company, will now formally be at the helm. Mr. R Jaganathan will head United India Insurance Company. The four heads will take charge of their positions on March 1.

The appointments have been announced at a crucial time as the four subsidiaries are likely to be delinked from the parent General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC).
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