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Mr. Bhoothalingam to bid farewell to Oberoi Group
New Delhi:
Mr. Ravi Bhoothalingam, group president of the Oberoi Group has decided to quit with the end of his contract on June 30. Mr. Bhoothalingam has already informed the top management of his decision against renewal of his contract.

During his tenure, Mr. Bhoothalingam was responsible for the operations of the hotel chain worldwide which had a turnover is around $200 million, with 32 hotels, airport and flight catering units, restaurant complexes, luxury cruise ships and commercial bakeries in different parts of the globe.

Mr. Bhoothalingam, who has been with Oberoi group for six years, is believed to be weighing various options including setting up of his own venture. Prior to joining Oberoi group, Mr Bhoothalingam has worked for the ITC group for 26 years.
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