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Goel to head Dunlop India
T C Goel has been made the new chief executive officer and president of Dunlop India. Goel, who is currently executive director and president of Falcon Tyres, will succeed president M D Shukla.

Shukla had earlier requested to be relieved from his assignment as president due to poor health.
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New head for Coke's human resources division
New Delhi:
Sunil Kishore, the HRD chief of the Oberoi group will move over to Coke as its new HRD chief. Kishore will be part of the company’s executive committee along with six others, including the Coca-Cola India president Alex Von Behr.

Kishore will fill the slot vacated by Nalin Miglani who moved over to Zurich as the HR head of the new joint venture company floated by Coke and Nestle.

Sunil Kishore is in his early 40s and has wide ranging experience in marketing, sales and operations. He had a successful stint in Xerox company as well. His appointment as HRD chief is important in the light of Coke's recent restructuring exercise, when it decentralised its operations into six strategic business units, each operating as independent profit centres, each working with specific, local, advertising and market strategies.

One of Coca-Cola India’s HRD managers, Adil Malia, has also been promoted as director, HRD. He will directly report to the new HRD head.
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