31 May | 1 June | news

India Foils MD resigns
Kolkata--Amitabha Ray, India Foils, IFL, managing director has resigned.

The company’s board of directors has accepted Mr Ray’s resignation with effect from June 4.
Although IFL’s officials were unavailable for comment, company sources claim Ray has put in his papers due to differences with the management.
Mr Ray could not be contacted despite several attempts to do so.

Mr ray was with IFL under Williamson Magor, for quite after which he left to join the Indian Aluminium Company, a competitor in the foils business.
After a brief stint here he went back to be the managing director of IFL.
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New sales & marketing senior VP for Kinetic
New Delhi
— Ajay Kapila has been appointed senior vice-president (sales and marketing) of the motorcycle and moped arm of Kinetic Engineering.
The Kinetic Group on Tuesday announced his appointment. Kapila is to look after field sales, direct sales, marketing and all related areas like dealer development, logistics and training of the two-wheeler company, according to a statement from Kinetic Engineering.
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