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RBI’s new deputy governors; Vepa Kamesam, G P Muniappan
—The new deputy governors taking charge at the Reserve Bank of India as Jagdish Capoor and SP Talwar step down are Vepa Kamesam and G P Muniappan .
Kamesam will handle all portfolios handled by Kapoor that is exchange control, currency management, information technology, rural planning and credit, industrial and export credit, administration and personal management, human resource development and inspection department.
Muniappan will look after department of banking operations and development, department of banking supervision, financial institutions division, department of non-banking supervision, department of financial companies, urban banks department, legal department and Deposit Insurance & Credit Guarantee Corporation.

YV Reddy is the senior most deputy governor who has been re-appointed with effect from September 1. He will continue to look after department of economic analysis and policy, monetary policy, internal debt management, external investment and operations, department of government and bank accounts and expenditure and budgetary control. He will also handle inter-departmental coordination including the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) matters.
Before taking up the new assignment Kamesam was managing director of State Bank of India in charge of the national banking group. Muniappan, a former executive director of RBI, was banking ombudsman at Thiruvananthapuram.
 Both Kamesam and Muniappan will have a two-year term or till they attain the age of 62 years, whichever is earlier.
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Visa Intl appoints Mukherjee as new country manager for South Asia
VISA International appointed Santanu Mukherjee the country manager for South Asia. Mukherjee will head Visa’s operations in the region, which includes India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.

He will be based in Bangalore. Mukherjee has joined Visa from Standard Chartered Group where he was regional head (shared distribution) for both Standard Chartered Bank and Standard Chartered Grindlays.
At StanChart, he was responsible for growing the consumer banking business across the branch distribution channel in northern and eastern India. Prior to this, he was with ANZ Grindlays Bank for over 14 years.
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