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McGregor steps down
Neil McGregor, president and chief executive officer of Dabhol Power Company, has resigned from his post ostensibly "to pursue other projects". The two-year contract signed between McGregor and Enron, promoters of DPC, expired on June 30. Though the company wanted him to stay him he has decided to leave.
Sources said K Wade Cline, Enron India managing director, will assume additional responsibility of managing operations of the company. The board meeting on Wednesday (July 11), which will be attended by the company’s high-profile chairman Kenneth Lay, who is currently in India, will take up these matters for discussion.
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Lalita Gupte to head ICICI’s international operations
—Lalita Gupte, joint managing director, ICICI, has given the responsibility of the group’s international business as "joint managing director and chief operating officer — international business." While Gupte will continue to be on the ICICI board, under the new set-up ICICI will have two executive directors: S Mukherji and Kalpana Morparia. They will report directly to CEO and managing director KV Kamath. All credit-related issues will be handled by Mr Mukherji while Ms Morparia will look after resources and liability matters..

Reportedly Gupte is not very happy with the decision and many in the business feel that this will distance her from the Indian operations where the real action is.
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