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Wanted Osama: Dead or Alive
Washington: U.S. president George W. Bush today said the United States wanted Osama Bin laden, the suspected mastermind of the terror attacks on New York and Washington, dead or alive.

Mr. Bushs announcement came after his meeting with U.S. defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld to discuss the military's plans for mobilising reservists to beef up domestic defences against terrorism.

The meeting was also attended by national security adviser Condoleezza Rice and vice-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff Richard Myers.

Mr. Bush said the U.S. was embarking on a long struggle against terrorism, and the immediate focus was on Osama, his network and those providing him a safe haven in the Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

We're going to find those evildoers, those barbaric people who attacked our country and we're going to hold them accountable, and we're going to hold the people who housed them accountable, he said.
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