02 Oct | 03 Oct | 04 Oct | 05 Oct | 06 Oct | 07 Oct | 08 Octnews

U.S., Britain attack Afghanistan
Washington: The United States and Britain have launched major military strikes against Afghanistan.

The strikes are against targets in Kabul, Kandahar and Jalalabad. The compound of Mullah Omar, leader of the Taliban, is among the prime targets.

The Pentagon said that a combination of land and sea-based aircraft have been used; as also surface ships and submarines. The first hits on Afghanistan saw at least 15 land-based aircraft and 25 sea-based jets taking part. A total of 50 Tomahawk Cruise missiles have been unleashed.

The first of the attacks came by way of Cruise missiles from ships and submarines, followed by attacks by F-16s and other jets off the carriers and forward bases of the U.S. The strikes are expected to continue and gather intensity as the hours go by. Apart from the B-52s, the B-1 and the Stealth aircraft, the B-2 are also seeing action.
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Mumbai to have WLL in December
New Delhi: Mumbai will have wireless in local loop that allows a fixed landline to be used as a mobile phone from December, Union communications minister Pramod Mahajan announced today.

"I don't take telecom as a revenue earning source. It is the fuel to the engine of growth and if it is a fuel then it has to be the cheapest. Almost free. I am sure that MTNL will take care of this," Mr Mahajan said.
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Govt plans to introduce Internet in schools
New Delhi:
The government is planning to invest Rs 10,000 crore to improve Internet connectivity in educational institutions across the country.

While Rs 6,000 crore will be spent on providing Net connectivity in schools, another Rs 4,000 crore has been proposed for upgrading Education and Research Network (Ernet).

The Rs 6,000 crore project called Schoolnet proposes to provide 128 kbps connectivity in 60,000 schools in the first phase besides networking them. In the second phase, the government proposes to add another 40,000 schools, taking the total number to one lakh.
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