12 Oct | 13 Oct | 14 Oct | 15 Oct | 16 Oct | 17 Oct | 18 Octnews

US House closes on anthrax scare
Washington: The United States' Congress was forced to shut down on Wednesday after more than two dozen people in Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle's staff tested positive for anthrax.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert ordered the Congress closed amid fears that the Anthrax bacteria may have entered the ventilation system of the US Senate and House of Representatives.
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VHP storms Ayodhya temple
Lucknow: Around 200 Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) activists, led by president Ashok Singhal, stormed the sanctum sanctorum of Ram Janambhoomi in Ayodhya on Wednesday and performed aarti and hoisted a saffron flag.
Normally only the pujari is allowed to enter the garb graha and the entire area is under the control of Central security forces.
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Govt plans to cut kerosene subsidy
New Delhi: The government is considering a proposal to limit the supply of kerosene from the public distribution system to people who are below the poverty line. Currently, kerosene subsidy at 45 per cent, amounts to Rs 7360 crore and changing over the supply norms under PDS would help the government cut down the subsidy bill by half. 
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