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Anthrax fear grips Indian consulate
New York: Two employees of the Indian Consulate in New York were put on anti-anthrax drug Cipro after they handled a letter containing white powder in the mailroom. Security in the consulate was beefed up and employees advised to take precautionary measures.

The mailroom was sealed after local authorities took samples of the powder for chemical examination.

The mailroom handles several dozen letters each day, many of them containing passports for renewal or visa. This is the first time since the anthrax scare gripped New York that the Indian Consulate has received such a letter.
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2 truckloads of gold found in WTC ruins
New York: Two truckloads of gold ingots were unearthed from the ruins of the World Trade Center and removed under armed guard by federal agents, the New York Daily News reported on Wednesday.

The paper, quoting unidentified sources and workers at the site, said the gold was found in a delivery tunnel under the complex that was destroyed on September 11.

The Toronto-based Bank of Nova Scotia, whose Scotia Mocatta Depository Corp operates the vaults and guarantees their safety, assured NYMEX earlier this month that the piles of precious metals were in good hands.

Construction workers had dug for the gold for the past few days, the paper said, adding that when they approached their goal, FBI and Secret Service agents closed in and restricted access to the area.
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Fiscal deficit up 34% in H1
New Delhi:
The Union governments fiscal deficit at the end of the first six months of the current fiscal rose by more than 34 per cent to Rs 57,262 crore from Rs 42,592 crore during the corresponding period last year.

The deterioration in the fiscal position has been mainly on account of poor revenue realisation during April-September 2001-02. Revenue receipts during the period amounted to Rs 79,203 crore, down from Rs 82,898 crore in the corresponding period last year. Tax revenue (net) was down to Rs 48,632 crore from Rs 54,082 crore in the like period last year.
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New fertiliser policy to be announced by November
New Delhi: The new fertiliser policy is likely to be finalised by November-end.
"Our discussions with the inter-ministerial group are nearly complete. The draft being formulated is likely to be finalised by November," fertiliser secretary Ashok Pahwa said here, addressing a function organised by IFFCO and KRIBHCO to mark vigilance week.
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