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Micky Pant steps in as Reebok CMO
New Delhi:
Muktesh 'Micky' Pant has been elevated as the chief marketing officer of Reebok Worldwide. He fills in the slot vacated by Angel Martinez, one of Reebok's founder members, who quit the company six months ago.

Pant was the executive vice-president (marketing services) at the headquarters in Boston. Pant will now directly report to Reebok chairman, Paul Fireman.
A chemical engineer from IIT Kanpur, Pant started out as a management trainee in HLL in 1976. He quit Levers for Pepsi India after putting in 15 years in the company. After working as the executive director of exports and then beverages for three years, Pant left Pepsi to head Reebok in India.
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