27 Nov | 28 Nov | 29 Nov | 30 Nov | 01 Dec | 02 Dec | 03 Decnews

Divestment of 13 PSUs by April
New Delhi: The government will divest from 13 public sector enterprises by 1 April 2002, according to Union divestment minister Arun Shourie. The list includes Maruti Udyog, Videsh Sanchar Nigam and Indo-Burma Petroleum.

In addition, the government is also keen on selling 30 per cent stake in Nalco in the overseas market.

Shourie said valuation of Maruti is on track with the appointment of the valuer and adviser. "Suzuki Motor has agreed for a roadmap and the moment the valuation is complete, we will go back to the finance ministry and financial institutions for the rights issue. This will be followed by difficult negotiations with Suzuki for the premium, both for renunciation rights and control."
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CII plans to set up design task force
Bangalore: CII is setting up a national task force on design to promote the cause of industrial design and design competence in the country, according to CII vice-president Ashok Soota.

The task force will aim at institutionalising work in design and lead to a national policy. CII will also set up awards for excellence to promote the cause of industrial design.
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