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ILD guidelines to be finalised soon
Bangalore: The government would finalise guidelines for international long distance voice traffic this month, according to telecommunications secretary Shyamal Ghosh.
The government had already received recommendations in this regard and guildelines for Internet telephony were also being finalised so that the sector could be opened up as early as possible after April 1 next year, Ghosh said while addressing a four-day regional seminar on e-commerce.

Ghosh said Internet telephony could not be opened up before April one next year, since the VSNL had monopoly over international voice traffic till then.
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Provisional dumping duty on US steel
New Delhi
: The designated authority set up in the commerce ministry to probe dumping cases has recommended provisional anti-dumping duties on cold rolled flat products of stainless steel originating in the United States on grounds of injury to the domestic industry. For the same reason, imports of the product from the European Union, Japan and Canada have also been subject to anti-dumping duties.

A notification issued by the authority said that the duty will be $0.82 per kg on all grades of stainless steel cold rolled flat products of stainless steel supplied by the US, $0.70 per kg on supplies by Japan, $0.20 per kg on supplies by Canada and $0.37 per kg on supplies by the EU.
The authoritys move followed a petition filed by Jindal Strips, Hissar, alleging dumping of the product from the above countries.
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Deutsche Corp among 15 FDI proposals cleared
New Delhi: The government has approved the Rs 111.65 crore proposal of Deutsche International Trust Corporation to issue 100 per cent optimally convertible non-cumulative redeemable preference shares in two tranches.

The two tranches will be of Rs 95 crore and Rs 16.65 crore respectively, an official statement said here.

The proposal was among the 15 foreign direct investment proposals worth Rs 113 crore cleared by commerce and industry minister Murasoli Maran on the basis of recommendations by Foreign Investment Promotion Board.
Proposals of Standard Chartered Bank, UK, to make further downstream its investment up to 100 per cent has also been cleared.

IT software and education company Aptech has been given the nod to issue GDRs and GDs to the existing shareholders after the merger of two divisions of the company.

Governemnt has also approved the proposal of Singapore-based drug marketing company Novo Investment PTE to change its status from an Overseas Corporate Body to a foreign investor.
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