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Nair as Pepsi HR head
New Delhi: Jaswant Nair, regional head, HRD, South Asia, of Stanchart Grindlays is tipped to join Pepsi as the executive director of HRD.
The post of HRD chief in Pepsi has been lying vacant for almost a year. Abhiram Seth, who is heading the exports division in Pepsi, has been doubling up as the in-charge of the HR department as well.

Nair, a personnel management graduate from XLRI, had a long stint of almost a decade in Marico Industries where he rose from vice-president HR to head the sales division in the company.
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Khanna to take over Rothschild's India ops
Mumbai: Arthur Andersen's head of corporate finance, Munesh Khanna, is taking over as country head of European investment bank, N M Rothschild's Indian operations.

Khanna is expected to join N M Rothschild by early February. Oliver Blackaby, who is presently in charge of N M Rothschild in India, will head back to Europe within a couple of months of Khanna's joining.
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Ranjekar to take over APF as CEO
Bangalore: Wipros human resources chief Dileep Ranjekar is taking over as CEO of the Azim Premji Foundation.

Ranjekar, who is currently corporate executive vice president at Wipro, will quit the company with effect from 1 April to take up his new assignment at the charitable foundation started by Wipro chairman Azim Premji.

Pratik Kumar, who is at present, vice president talent, engagement and development at Wipro Technologies, will take over from Ranjekar. He has been with Wipro for over ten years.
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