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Stephen Cooper new Enron CEO
Houston: Less than a week after Kenneth Lay resigned as Enron Corp's chief executive, the company's board announced the appointment of Stephen Cooper, a reorganisation expert, to guide it through the largest bankruptcy in US history.

Cooper has been hired as chief executive and chief restructuring officer. He will lead Enron through its bankruptcy case amid multiple investigations into the company's swift collapse last year.
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Palmisano to succeed Gerstner as IBM CEO
New York: International Business Machines has named Samuel Palmisano as chief executive officer of the world's largest computer maker. He will replace Louis Gerstner.

Gerstner, whose contract expires on 1 March when he turns 60, will remain chairman through the end of 2002.

Gerstner joined IBM in April 1993 and helped push the company to build its services business, which is now its largest division in terms of revenues.
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