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Sankar is William Mercer India head
New Delhi:  R Sankar has taken over as the country head of William M Mercer (India) Pvt. Ltd. Sankar has over 15 years experience in management consultancy in India and abroad . He comes to Mercer from PricewaterhouseCoopers.
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R.K. Dutta takes over as OIL chief
New Delhi: Ranjit Kumar Dutta has taken over as the chairman and managing director of Oil India Ltd (OIL). Earlier, he was the managing director of Numaligarh Refinery Ltd (NRL).

Dutta headed two major national oil public sector undertakings in the north-east, namely Indian Oil Corporation's Assam Oil Division (AOD) as executive director and NRL as the MD.
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Sun president quits
New York: Sun Microsystems has said its president and chief operating officer Ed Zander is leaving.

Chairman and chief executive Scott McNealy will take over Zander's duties, reassuming the additional title of president. The company said it does not intend to name a replacement for Zander, who will stay on through year-end to help in the transition.

Zander, who runs Sun's day-to-day operations, is the third senior Sun executive to leave in the last few weeks.
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Bornstein quits as ABC TV president
Los Angeles: Walt Disney has said that Steven Bornstein has resigned as president of its ABC Television, whose centrepiece is the ABC network.

Bornstein, who assumed the job less than a year ago, said he "plans to pursue other interests".

No successor has been named yet for the job, whose responsibilities include oversight of the ABC network and its 10 owned stations as well as cable network ABC Family.
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