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World Bank asks Maharashtra to reorient reform process
Mumbai: The World Bank has called upon the Maharashtra government to reorient its reform process as pro farmer and pro poor for its successful implementation for regaining the states leadership which was currently under serious threat.
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MAVs share in CV market rises
New Delhi: The share of multi-axle vehicles in the commercial vehicle market has been increasing rapidly due to the changing transport economics in the Indian market.
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Satcom firms post 30% growth
Mumbai: After a lull of three years, satellite communications is back with a bang. VSAT satellite communications industry recorded a growth of about 30% in the year ended March 2002, after settling down at a growth rate of about 10% for almost three years.
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Proposal to provide clean chit for green technology
New Delhi: The `proposal on technology verification and technology evaluation for environmental soundness' will ensure that the technology gets a clean chit well before the marketing or the installation stage itself.
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AP govt proposes to amend act to help recover sticky assets
Hyderabad: The Andhra Pradesh govt has proposed to amend some of the sections in the Protection of Depositors of Financial Establishments Act 1999 giving leverage to the authorities to confiscate the properties of the borrowers besides the directors of the banks.
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