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Funds catching up with mid-cap stocks
Mumbai: The mood is definitely not upbeat for investors in equity funds, not with last week's slide in the stock exchanges. NAVs are down, and so is the average investor's willingness to commit more to the markets.
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CVC refers Reliance-UTI case to advisory board
New Delhi: The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has forwarded the controversial case involving the 1994 private placement of equity of Rs 1,000-crore by Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) with Unit Trust of India (UTI) to the Advisory Board on Banking,
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Support seen at current levels
Mumbai: The stock market is expecting a corrective rally this week. According to brokers and analysts, whether the rally will sustain till the end of the week is a matter of conjecture.
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Bad week for Indian counters
Mumbai: It was one of the smart recoveries at the US markets, particularly for the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, after the markets were reeling under selling pressure with as many corporates' unethical means came to the open.
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