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US Inc. floods SEC with CEO, CFO oaths
New York: The top brass of hundreds of America's biggest companies swore by their financial results on Wednesday under a government order meant to reassure investors, while a handful of energy companies came up short.
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Times up for US Inc on Securities And Exchange Certification
Washington: The deadline for chief executives officers and chief financial officers of hundreds of large US corporations to swear by the accuracy of their financial statements came and went on Wednesday.
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Treasury secy sees US recovery in '03
Washington: US treasury secretary Paul ONeill said on Wednesday the US economy was set to exit 02 in good shape with inflation benign, but exhorted executives to help revitalise corporate the economy by setting an example of honesty and integrity.
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Bristol-Myers may restate results on overstocking
Washington: Bristol-Myers Squibb, laying out some contingencies in its filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, said it may be forced to restate its sales and earnings because the company encouraged wholesalers to buy too many drugs in past years, Thursdays Wall Street Journal reported.
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