20 Aug | 21 Aug | 22 Aug | 23 Aug | 24 Aug | 25 Aug | 26 Augnews

Toyota and Honda, not made in Japan
Tokyo: Japanese, yes. Made in Japan, no. Among the array of new car models vying for the attention of Japanese buyers this year will be two with unusual pedigrees a Thai-made Honda compact and a US-made Toyota sports wagon.
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White House defers $1-bn IT projects
Washington: The White House Office of Management and Budget has ordered seven of the 22 agencies due to make up a proposed Department of Homeland Security to temporarily halt spending on more than $1bn in information technology projects while it looks for savings and compatible technology, The Washington Post said on Saturday. 
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Gloomy economic indicators have Wall Street running scared
New York: Investors love bull market sequels, but Wall Street is not signing up, at least not yet. Feeding fresh fears about the stock market are gloomy economic numbers.
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India to allows Bangladesh goods duty-free access
Dhaka: Bangladesh said on Saturday India would allow its goods duty-free access to narrow a huge trade imbalance.
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German employers fear 200,000 jobs under threat
Frankfurt: The head of Germany's engineering employers federation Martin Kannegiesser said around 200,000 jobs were under threat as the sector slows due to the weak economic climate, a newspaper reported on Saturday.
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Boeing makes contract offer, union says misses mark
In a break from past practice, Boeing made an all-in-one contract proposal in labour talks on Friday, an offer that the Machinists union said "misses by a mile."
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Piracy Eco criminals net $31 billion a year
Durban: Environmental criminals net up to $31 billion worth of illicit income yearly, the trade in endangered species forming the largest chunk, says experts at the EnviroLaw 2002 Conference being held in Durban.
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Argentine court rulings hit election plans, aid hopes
Buenos Aires: A top Argentine judge on Friday halted plans for November primary elections in a major blow to President Eduardo Duhalde just a day after the nation's highest court overruled crucial public spending cuts.  
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