25 Aug | 26 Aug | 27 Aug | 28 Aug | 29 Aug | 30 Aug | 31 Augnews

Garment sops to Bdesh: team to visit Canada soon 
Dhaka: In a bid to prevent the domestic garment exporters from losing their share in the Canadian market to Bangladesh, which will be allowed duty-free exports from January, an official delegation will visit Canada shortly to seek duty concessions. 
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Toyota set to challenge VW's dominance in China
Tokyo: Germany's Volkswagen faces a fierce challenge to its almost 20-year rule over China's auto market after Toyota Motor Corp announced plans to launch its first China-made car in October.
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Immelt announces more restructuring at GE
Washington: It's clearly not Jack Welch's General Electric any more. A month after restructuring the company's financial unit into four divisions, GE Chairman Jeffrey Immelt announced on Thursday that the company's lighting and appliance businesses would be merged.
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Joint offer made for Vivendi publishing arm: report
New York: US private equity groups Blackstone and Thomas H Lee, have emerged as lead bidders in the $1.5-$2 billion auction of Houghton Mifflin, the US publishing arm of Vivendi Universal, according to the Financial Times on Friday.
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Microsoft detects security flaw in Windows
Seatle: Microsoft said on Thursday that a security flaw in all versions of its flagship Windows operating system software released since Windows 98 could allow attackers to delete digital certificates.
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Voice of America chief quits under pressure
Washington: The director of the US-funded Voice of America has resigned under apparent pressure from the quasi-governmental board that controls the international broadcaster, officials said.
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Netscape launches new 7.0 version of browser
Seatle: AOL Time Warner unit Netscape Communications has said it was launching its new Netscape 7.0 browser software, aimed at recapturing some of its market share lost in recent years.
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Sun expects to hit bottom part of revenue target range
Seatle: Sun Microsystems said it expects to land in the 'bottom part' of its revenue target range for the current quarter.
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