27 Aug | 28 Aug | 29 Aug | 30 Aug | 31 Aug | 1 Sept | 2 Septnews

Dollar stores see sizzling sales in weak economy
New York: Dollar and closeout retailers are laughing off the stigma that sometimes comes with shopping at their stores, and laughing off the sullen US economy, too. 
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US plays down WTO penalty of $4bn
Washington: he US is playing down huge setback at the World Trade Oranization which ruled in favour of the European Union imposing $4 billion penalty in tariffs against Washington over the tax break American exporters are given through Foreign Sales Corportions set up in tax havens such as Virgin Islands. 
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Wall Street turns tough again
New York: Wall Street's brief affair with benevolence is over. New York's top investment banks lent small rivals a hand by donating desks and handing them deals after the September 11 attacks killed hundreds of staff and destroyed offices in the twin towers.
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US consumers keep spending despite anxieties
New York: US consumers, undaunted by their nagging anxiety about the economy, shelled out money for autos and other goods at the fastest pace in nine months in July even as incomes stalled.
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Moore formally bows out as WTO Director-General
Geneva: New Zealander Mike Moore formally bows out on Sunday as head of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) after three years at the helm. 
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