19 Sept | 20 Sept | 21 Sept | 22 Sept | 23 Sept | 24 Sept | 25 Septnews

Terrorists holed up inside temple killed
Ahmedabad: Elite National Security Guard commandos have shot dead all the three terrorists holed up inside the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar in Gujarat. The terrorists had shot dead 30 people inside the temple on Tuesday evening.
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Power ministry seeks cut in customs on naphtha 
New Delhi: The ministry of power has moved a fresh note to the committee of secretaries for slashing the 10 per cent customs duty on naphtha being used for power generation. 
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Bonus tussle: dockers, managements meet on Oct 8 
Mumbai: The five port and dock workers federations and the managements of major port trusts will be holding a conciliatory meeting on the issue of productivity-linked bonus in Mumbai on October 8. 
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DRDO developing all-weather air defence gun system 
New Delhi: The Defence Research and Development Organisation is developing a high performance family of all weather towed and self-propelled air defence gun system to complement its surface-to-air missile systems like Trishul and Akash.
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Foodgrain output touches 1990-91 low at 90.80 million 
New Delhi: Foodgrain output in the current kharif season has declined by 18 per cent at 90.80 million tonne as against 111.60 mt last years kharif. This is the lowest kharif foodgrain output since 1990-91. 
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FDI: India nosedives to 15th slot 
New Delhi: India has slipped eight positions to the 15th spot in the list of most attractive foreign investment destinations while China has upstaged the United States to move into the top slot, according to the latest foreign direct investment confidence index report released by management consulting firm AT Kearney on Tuesday. 
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Pant all for pump-priming to boost demand 
New Delhi: The Planning Commission is all for stepping up public spending in the initial years of the 10th Plan, Standards and Poors warning on fiscal management notwithstanding. 
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Govt flays WTO over report on auto dispute case 
New Delhi: New Delhi has criticised the WTO Dispute Settlement Body for ignoring its request to exclude certain portion of the panels report in the auto dispute case with the US and the European Union before it was adopted. 
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EC mulls scrapping blue-box farm sops 
New Delhi: The European Commission has circulated an internal proposal at the World Trade Organisation for the consideration of its ministers suggesting removal of all blue-box agriculture subsidies and converting them into decoupled subsidies under the green box. 
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