1 Dec | 2 Dec | 3 Dec | 4 Dec| 5 Dec | 6 Dec | 7 Decnews

US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill quits
Washington: President Bush revamped his economic team on Friday as Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and economic adviser Larry Lindsey resigned at the
request of the White House amid growing concern about the ailing economy.
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Japan penalises BNP Paribas brokerage unit
Tokyo: Japan's Financial Services Agency said on Friday it had ordered the local brokerage unit of BNP Paribas, France's biggest bank, to halt stock trading on its own account from December 9 to 20 for violating securities rules.
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Chinese companies hoping to copy Viagra
Beijing: Chinese drug companies that want to cash in on the lucrative Viagra market are pursuing what they hope is a way to make copies legally: ask authorities to nullify the Chinese patent on the anti-impotence medication.
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Bridgestone/Firestone to make first profit since recalls
California: Bridgestone/Firestone officials announced they would make a profit of $70 million in 2002, a stunning turnaround from the previous year, when the tire company lost $1.67 billion after a huge recall.
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