4 Dec| 5 Dec | 6 Dec | 7 Dec | 8 Dec | 9 Dec | 10 Decnews

Bank Of India sets Rs 50-crore corpus to fund regional films
Mumbai: BoI sources told FE that in the wake of immense competition in the area of bank finance for big budget Bollywood films, BoI has decided to make a foray in the financing of small-budget regional films.
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Sundaram Fin to buy partner's stake in Fisaf
Mumbai: Sundaram Finance Ltd yesterday announced its intention to acquire the 51 per cent holding of Fidis S.p.A, in the joint venture company, Fiat Sundaram Auto Finance Ltd (Fisaf).
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ICICI Bank Home Shoppe in Pune
Pune: `ICICI Bank Home Shoppe', the first `shop' for spot home loan sanctions, has begun its operations in Pune. This is the first permanent aggregation and display of housing projects in the country.
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Terror risk pool corpus may expand by Rs 100 cr
New Delhi: The Indian Terrorism Pool which offers insurance cover against terrorism for a maximum of Rs 200 crore per cover is likely to be increased either by Rs 50 crore or Rs 100 crore in the next financial year, 2003-04.
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ICICI Bank to sell gold coins
Mumbai: ICICI Bank is to retail 24 carat gold coins across the counter through its branches. "ICICI Bank Pure Gold" coins, to be imported from Switzerland is to carry a 99.99 per cent Assay certification.
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Bank of Rajasthan cuts deposit rates
New Delhi: Bank of Rajasthan has cut deposit rates for the second time post the bank rate cut in credit policy. The deposit rate for 2-3 years is now at 6.25 per cent as against the earlier 6.75 per cent.
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UBI launches co-branded card
Mumbai: United Bank of India (UBI) has launched a credit card here co-branded with SBI Card State Bank of India's credit card.
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PNB Gilts to sell 26% to strategic investor
New Delhi: PNB Gilts, the primary dealer subsidiary of Punjab National Bank, is talking to various bankers for a strategic stake in the company.
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domain - B : Indian business : News Review : 10 December 2002 : banking and finance