17 Dec | 18 Dec | 19 Dec | 20 Dec | 21 Dec | 22 Dec | 23 Decnews

Fiat appears to have kept credit downgrade at bay
Milan: Fiat SpA appears to have staved off a credit downgrade in the short run with the sale of its 5.1 per cent stake in General Motors and a 51 per cent stake in its Fidis consumer finance arm, analysts said.
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Fewer anti-dumping cases against China post WTO
Beijing: Chinese companies have been subjected to fewer investigations into cases of trade dumping, subsidies and protectionism by countries since becoming a member of the World Trade Organisation a year ago, a report said on Sunday.
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US gives green light for Novartis leukemia drug
New York: The Food and Drug Administration, which issues permits for sales of medicines in the United States, has approved a Novartis drug used in the treatment of certain types of leukemia, the Swiss company said on Saturday.
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McDonald's Japan unit to shut 176 outlets next year
Tokyo: McDonald's Japan unit has decided to close down an unprecedented number of unprofitable outlets and will finish in the red for the first time in 29 years, the company and media reports said.
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Polaris case shows how risky Indonesia could be: WSJ
Jakarta: The dispute between an Indonesian bank and Indian software company Polaris has underscored the risk of doing business in Indonesia as commercial disputes can lead to detention there, according to a media report.
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Microsoft Outlook to work with Lotus e-mail systems
Seatle: Microsoft released on Friday software that allows users of competitor International Business Machines Corp.'s Lotus e-mail system to switch to the software giant's Outlook organizer program.
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DVD visionary quitting job at Warner Bros.
New York: Warren Lieberfarb, the Hollywood executive who spearheaded the creation of the digital videodisc (DVD), resigned suddenly as president of Warner Bros' home video arm, a post he had held for 20 years, the studio said on Friday.
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