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Economy shrugs off drought impact - GDP growth touches 5.9 pc in first half
New Delhi: The Indian economy seems well poised to achieve a growth rate of around 5.5 per cent during 2002-03, notwithstanding the impact of drought and the sluggish performance of the farm sector.

According to the latest quarterly estimates of gross domestic product (GDP), released by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) here today, the country's real GDP has posted a 5.9 per cent growth during the first half (April-September) of the current fiscal, as against 4.4 per cent in the same period of the previous year.
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Current account surplus for fourth consecutive quarter
Mumbai: India has reported a current account surplus for the fourth consecutive quarter, with the surplus at Rs 6,520 crore for the quarter July to September 2002, and at Rs 8,112 crore for the half-year ended September 2002, according to RBI figures available.
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Gasohol programme watered down
Chennai: The plan to supply gasohol, ethanol-blended petrol, in nine States on January 1, 2003, is set to take off on a modest scale with oil companies planning to dedicate the pilot projects to the nation against the full-scale launch that had been planned earlier, according to sources.
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