19 Feb | 20 Feb | 21 Feb | 22 Feb | 23 Feb | 24 Feb | 25 Febnews

IBA pegs extra monthly spend post-wage revision at Rs 800 crore
New Delhi:
The banking industry is poised to incur an additional expenditure of around Rs 800 crore per month on account of the 8th bipartite wage revision in the industry.
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SBI in talks with PwC, Deloitte on NPA front
New Delhi:
With a view to bringing down its non-performing assets, State Bank of India has decided to rope in external recovery agents.
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IIB plans tie-up with IIM to impart training for bankers
Indian Institute of Bankers will tie up with Indian Institute of Management to impart management skills to the top officials in the banking sector.
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PSEB to raise Rs 200-crore loan to augment working capital
The Punjab State Electricity Board has approached the market to raise a term loan of Rs 200 crore at an interest rate of 10.50 per cent to augment its working capital resources.
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Centre seeks to adress IIBI dividend obligations
New Delhi:
In order to nip in the bud any new signs of sickness among financial institutions, the government is casting about for means to tackle the predicament facing the Industrial Investment Bank of India.
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Govt places Rs 13,000-cr debt with RBI
New Delhi:
In a move aimed at benefiting from a strong foreign exchange reserves position and low interest rate regime in the domestic market, the Government today privately placed with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) two new securities aggregating Rs 13,000 crore for buying foreign currency to prepay loans taken from World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB).
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Western Union plans direct bank credit facility
Western Union Financial Services is planning to start direct money transfers to bank accounts of individuals in India as a new service area to increase its market share in the country.
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SKNL debentures downgraded
New Delhi:
ICRA has downgraded the rating assigned to the Rs 50-crore non-convertible debenture programme of S. Kumars Nationwide Ltd ) from `LBB', under rating watch, to `LD', indicating default.
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Union Bank keen to tap captive insurance
Union Bank of India had a total credit portfolio of Rs 22,465 crore at the end of last financial year. Of this about Rs 19,000 crore were secured against insurable assets.
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LVB raises bulk deposit rates
The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd has decided to pay additional interest of 0.25 percentage points on bulk deposits of Rs 50 lakh and above for maturity periods ranging between 90 and 365 days (both inclusive).
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BoI hikes rates on deposits
Bank of India has raised interest rates by 25 basis points on domestic term deposits of amounts less than Rs one crore, in the maturity bracket of "46 to 90 days'', effective from February 27.
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domain - B : Indian business : News Review : 25 February 2003 : banking and finance